Fall'2018 Studio Show Performer Information


Fall '2018 Studio Show Performer Information

Do you want to dance w/ the coolest bunch of girls in a super fun belly dance show coming up on Sat, April 21st ? We've got an awesome group forming open to ALL students of ALL levels! Yes, even absolute beginners! Everyone is welcome. There is NO audition to join either group. There are NO requirements other than learning the choreography & making it on time to 2 rehearsals & the show.

 The student dances for the Fall 2018 studio show (Show date Sunday, Oct 7th) is Ana Arabi.

 Learn the student group choreographies in August or at a workshop on September 22, reherase for two meetings, and away we go to the show!
What do you need to do first?
  1. Learn the dance (last chance 1-day workshop Sept 22nd, 1-4 @ Brookhaven)
  2. Come to the information and sign up meeting (Saturday, Sept 22nd, 4-6pm @ Brookhaven)
    Pay for your costume & buy your tickets.
  3. Come to the rehearsals of the dance. Be on time & plan to stay the entire length of both rehearsals.
    - Sun, Sept 23, 12:30-2 @ Brk
    - Sun, Sept 30, 12:30-2 @ Brk
    - Sat, Oct 6, 12:30-2 @ L5P

  4. Come on time & dressed to the show on Sunday Oct 7th Studio Show @ Marietta Theater on the Square (Students arrive 3pm). Dance your heart out at the show in front of an adoring audience! It's just that easy!!!

  5. Please note the different locations!!!
Last chance -  if you didn't learn the dances in a 5 week course, you can learn them in a
1 day workshop
: Saturday Sept 22, 1-4pm @ Brookhaven Studio.



Sunday, Oct 7, Marietta Theater on the Square
11 Whitlock Ave NW, Marietta, GA 30064

  • Timeline:
    Student Dancers arrive at 3pm,
    Door opens at 5:30pm
    Show 6-8pm
    Dancers leave at 8:30pm

Costume: $109.99 for performers


What's included in the costume? Earth - Water - Fire, your choice!!!
Black Yoga Pants,  Sash , Top (turquoise, orange, or brown), matching Skirt, Jewelry


Student Group Cost:
Costume:  $109
$39.99 Rehearsals (required 3 sessions, see above)
$50 for 2x Tickets that you need to sell 

Tickets: Tickets are for sale online, at the studio, or (if available) at the door.

Below: Our performance at this venue from 2 years ago!

Smatron 9526


You will be expected to be on time and to stay the entire time of each activity. Do not commit to being in this show if you can not guarantee that your schedule will allow you to attend ALL activities.

If you miss a practice and/or are more than 15 minutes late for whatever reason, you will be staged out of the dance, and you will not perform. No refunds.

I know this sounds harsh, but this is the only way to ensure that everyone is treated fairly & equally. This also ensures that all of our valuable time is used as constructively as possible. We have very little time to prepare you to be as fabulous as you possibly can be. Schadia gives her valuable time to your group, and everyone in the group is expected to take full advantage of it - hence not allowing anyone to be absent or more than 15 minutes late.

Frequent Questions

Q: Is there assigned seating?
A: No, except for the front row

Q: I am new to the studio. I don't know the choreography being performed yet. Can I still be in the Show?
A: Yes, but only if you take the one day workshop scheduled before the staging that teaches the choreography you want to perform. And, yes you will be fabulous.

Q: Are there tryouts? I am not sure if I am good enough ...
A: No tryouts, any current student can perform, and you will be fabulous.

Q: I think I am tall/short/big boned/skinny/young/old, can I still perform?
A: Yes - everyone can perform. And, yes you will be fabulous.

Q: I can make all but one of the practices, can I still perform?
A: No. You need to attend all scheduled practices.

Q: My schedule requires that I have to come 20 minutes late to one/some practices, can I still perform?
A: No. You can not be more than 15 minutes late.

Q: What happens if there is an emergency and I am late/miss a practice, can I still perform?
A: No. You can not miss any practices or be more than 15 minutes late, regardless of the circumstances.

Q: Isn't that a little too harsh? Miss one/late and you are out...
A: Yes, it is harsh. We will have many paying guests, who expect a good show. We have only 2 practices, and the setup for a total of 3 meetings within a 3 week window to get ready for this show. There is no extra time. There is no way to reschedule, leaving us with no other option.

Q: So you talk tough, but then make exceptions?
A: No. Absolutely not. The rules are the same for everyone - Troupe members and students alike. No exceptions.

Q: So you staged me out of the show because I could not make/was late to a practice. Can I get a refund on the costume/tickets?
A: No. The costumes are special order, often to your size. They and your tickets can not be resold by us. You are free to resell them if you would like.

Q: When do the tickets go on sale?
A: Tickets go on sale online (see homepage) at at the studios.

Q: Can I get a refund on the tickets (like if I am staged out of the show)?
A: No. But most likely other students will be more than happy to buy your tickets.

Q: Can my guest videotape my performance?
A: No. The choreographies are copyright protected by us. But we do videotape the show, which is for sale about 2 weeks after the show at the studio on a DVD w/menus and the proper copyright.

Q: Can they take pictures of me?
A: No flash photography. Consumer camera's flash is not strong enough for the big stage, and only disturbs the video. Often, people stand up or hold a camera above their head to take a picture, which never looks good and always blocks someone elses view. We have an official photographer taking pictures and we post them on the website and facebook for you after the show.

Q: Do little children need tickets too?
A: Yes. We do offer discounted tickets for children (half price, call 404 638 6530).

Q: I want to be staged so that I perform in front of my guests from my good side. Can you accomodate that?
A: No, but rest assured your friends will be able to see you, and you will look fabulous.

Q: Which seats are the best?
A: Seat prices depend on how close to the stage you are and/or the angle of the view. The ticket price is the best indicator for the quality of the seat.

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